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Words by 'Water Messages' Curators Team MARKK

'Water Messages' exhibition MARKK

Poster "Wasser Botschaften/Water Messages", (C) MARKK, Design: Rocket & Wink

25 February - 31 October 2023

From melting glaciers and sea-level rise to storm surges, drought, and pollution: water affects us all. Although the consequences of the climate crisis are increasingly felt in Germany, too, the most drastic impacts are unevenly distributed across the colonial divide. The exhibition explores ecological knowledges and water stories documented in the MARKK’s historical collections. Examples from contemporary art and design relate them to water protection and climate justice movements of the Global South. The exhibition invites us to listen to these water messages to rethink our relationships beyond human exceptionalism.

Mask with an orca, Tony Hunt, Jr. , Kwakwaka'wakw, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 1978, Inv. No. 78.42:51, purchased by W. Haberland with funds from INTERVERSA. © MARKK, Photo: Paul Schimweg

The experimental exhibition was developed in collaboration with an international Water Think Tank  and  designed by the London RESOLVE collective.

Exhibition Opening: Friday, 24 Febuary 2023 | 7pm

Welcome Address:

Prof. Dr. Barbara Plankensteiner

Dr. Carsten Brosda
Senator of Culture and Media
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Dr. Johanna Wild und Katharina Nowak
Curators of the exhibition, MARKK

Dr. Kelsey Leonard
Citizen of the Shinnecock Nation, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo, Canada

Akil Scafe-Smith, RESOLVE
interdiscilinary design collective

After Party with DJ-Set „Sounding Water“

Accompanying programme:

  • Sa, Feb 25 – Sun Feb 26:
    Opening Weekend
    with workshop talks, curator tours, and panel discussion
  • THU 2 March 7pm:
    Artist Talk
    with Sybille Neumeyer

With support from: