Participating Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums and other project partners
The Weltmuseum Wien is a meeting point for people and cultures centred around the appreciation and enthusiasm for cultural diversity.The museum strives to create a new identity as a contemporary museum that celebrates the cultural abundance of the planet and promotes respect for human rights, integration, and intercultural coexistence. In line with the museum's dedication they are lead on this large-scale European cooperation project co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Lead: Claudia Augustat
Coordination: Doris Prlić
Communication: Nora Haas
Photo credit: © SWICH Project/Wolfgang Thaler
Culture Lab, founded in 2002, is a private agency based in Brussels, providing advisory services and technical assistance in EU-funded projects and programmes dealing with culture and heritage. The agency has contributed to the design, management and implementation of over 80 European and international cooperation projects and programs in the fields of conservation , restoration, management and promotion of cultural heritage (architecture, archaeology , museums, crafts, traditions... ), and the contemporary cultural creation (visual arts, design , performing arts...).
Lead: Gian Giuseppe Simeone and Alexis Castro
The Royal Museum for Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium) is a centre for knowledge and resources on Africa, in particular Central Africa, in an historical, contemporary, and global context. The museum exhibits unique collections, seen as the basis of thinking about revival of cultural and artistic practices. It is a place of memory on the colonial past and strives to be a dynamic platform for exchanges and dialogues between cultures and generations, in line with an ongoing process of decolonization.
Lead: Jacky Maniacky
© RMCA/ Tervuren
The Linden-Museum Stuttgart is a state museum in Baden-Wuerttemberg. It is a living venue for intercultural dialogue and a meeting place for an increasingly culturally diverse city.
Lead: Ulrich Menter
Photo: Dominik Drasdow
The Museum am Rothenbaum Kulturen und Künste der Welt, Hamburg (MARKK) promotes the appreciation for and knowledge of the cultures and arts of the world. Through exhibitions, events and research, it provides spaces for cultural encounters and critical reflection. Founded in an era of colonial power imbalance, the museum today aims to question traditional certainties and encourage global citizenship through cooperation and in an atmosphere of respect, openness and empathy.
Lead: Barbara Plankensteiner
Photo: Paul Schimweg
The National Museum of Denmark is Denmark’s largest museum of cultural history, comprising the histories of Danish and foreign cultures, alike.
Lead: Christian Sune Pedersen
Photo: Joakim Züger
The Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món is a municipally owned museum run by the Barcelona Institute of Culture with 75.000 objects and two sites. The first site is located at Montcada street, and displays the diversity of various cultures from Africa, Asia, America and Oceania. The second site, located in Montjuïc Park, reflects on contemporary society through its ethnographic collections from Catalonia and the rest of Spain.
Lead: Ainize González García
© The Ethnological and World Cultures Museum, Barcelona. Barcelona City Council
Mucem was designed to be a cultural hub for the city of Marseille, and great interest has been shown by its 10 million visitors since its opening. The museum’s exhibitions have been noted for their quality, and the programme of conferences, concerts, projections—which are sometimes held outdoors—has met with resounding success among an extremely diverse visiting public.
Lead: Marie-Charlotte Calafat
© Lisa Ricciotti

The Museo Preistorico Etnografico “Luigi Pigorini” of Rome first opened in 1876. It is one of the four museums under the aegis of the Museo delle Civiltà, that in September 2016 merged archaeologic, ethnographic, folk tradition, and artistic collections from the Neolithic to 19th century. Its mission is to raise awareness of the world’s diversity, and to open up new public spaces fostering the dialogue of multicultural Europe.
Leads: Rosa Anna Di Lella and Loretta Paderni
Coordinator: Anna Maria Pecci
© Museo della Civiltà
The Research Center for Material Culture (RCMC), headed by Henrietta Lidchi, is a flagship research institute within the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen in the Netherlands, run by Marieke van Bommel and Wayne Modest. RCMC's role is to research ethnographic collections, but also interrogate the very role of ethnographic museums in society-building.
Lead: Wayne Modest
Photo: Taco van der Eb

The Slovenski etnografski muzej is the principal museum of ethnology in Slovenia. It was established to present traditional culture as well as mass and pop culture in Slovenia and the Slovene diaspora, and also to interpret and display artefacts from non-European cultures.
Lead: Tina Palaić
Photo: Blaž Zupančič
The Världskulturmuseet, Sweden is a governmental authority composed of four museums in two cities: The Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg and the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities and the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm.
Lead: Michel Lee
© SWICH Project / Wolfgang Thaler

In Cambridge, we see MAA not only as a collection and an institution but a network: our relationships with communities, researchers, artists and activists around the world give the Museum its identity, and make it a vital space of encounter. We are also a cross-disciplinary museum, our collections are archives of environmental knowledge as well as cultural resources, and they are sources of inspiration for new narratives around climate and climate change.
Lead: Nicholas Thomas
© SWICH Project/ Wolfgang Thaler

Pitt Rivers Museum is the University of Oxford’s museum of anthropology & archaeology, founded in 1884, and welcoming around 500,000 visitors per year. In these times of global change, Pitt Rivers is hosting Matters of Care, framed around the theme of world cultures museums as places of care with a role to play in working towards a more sustainable future.
Lead: Laura van Broekhoven
Photo: Ian Wallman