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Words by Wayne Modest

Rewatch the 'Re|Creating Kinship in the Ethnographic Museum in Europe' Conference

In November 2022 we were excited to head to our project final conference  'TAKING CARE & Re|Creating Kinship in the Ethnographic Museum in Europe' in the Netherlands. The three-day event and exchange was hosted by the Research Center for Material Culture housed in the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden and centered around rethinking the histories, practices and roles of Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums. As part of this process project partners and participants have been thinking through questions of decolonisation and of care, mindful of course of the complexities that are entangled with both concept. 

You can rewatch the conference, that was programmed in such a way as to create a space for collaborative speculation, to think together, about the museum, the world, and possible more just and equitable futures, below. 

Session I: Multispecies Kinship and Earth Archives

Feauturing the following talks:
Zheng Bo, "Wanwu Council: More-Than-Human Art Museums"
Amie Lindiwe Hanan Soudien, "Ancestors, 'Shadow Families' and Myth: Revisiting Cape Town’s First Slave-Owning Household"
Moderator: Wayne Modest

Session II: Care and/as Violence

Feauturing the following talks:
Audra Mitchell, "Holding on/letting go: Fleeing the Modern Museum"
Elia Nurvista, "Plantation over Plantation"
Juno Salazar Parreñas, "When does care become cruel?"
Moderator: Claudia Augustat

Session III: Going Native – Dutch Constructions of the Pacific

With: Yuki Kihara, Michiel Teijgeler, Mirte Hazes & Harry Lodder
Moderator: Wonu Veys

Session IV: Care at the Borderline

Feauturing the following talks:
Miriam Ticktin, "Radical Care at the Border: Dismantling and Rebuilding Political Worlds"
Ian Baucom, "The Future Claimant’s Representative: 'What is the museum for?'"
Aram Lee, "Can colonial objects become ecological participants?"
Itandehui Jansen, "Filmmaking, Eco-narratives and Sustainable Practices"
Moderator: Wayne Modest

Session V: Gerbrands Lecture – Jason De León

The 11th Adriaan Gerbrands Lecture "Soldiers and Kings: Inside the World of Human Smuggling" was delivered by Professor Jason De León as part of the TAKING CARE Conference on November 3, 2022.
Moderator: Mark Westmoreland
Conversation with Miriam Ticktin

For more on the programme here and for a summary of the event here

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