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Words by Erna Lilje

'Going Native' Art Installation

Going Native, an art installation by internationally recognised artist Yuki Kihara.

Several years of research preceded this installation, in which the artist thoughtfully explores the ideas of intercultural exchange, representation and identity. She introduces her viewers to Dutch people committed to parts of Oceania's cultural heritage: Hawaiian hula (dance form), Yolŋu yidaki (didgeridoo) and the Māori waka (kano). The interviews and performances tell something about the origins and motivations of the protagonists' interest and involvement. In this way, Yuki Kihara challenges the viewer to think about the connections and meaning of her installation. It can be seen on the 1st floor of the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden.

For more insights into the artistic residency of Yuki Kihara here

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