Ulrike Prinz
has a PHD in ethnology and is a freelance science writer. After her field research in the Xingu region, Mato Grasso (2000/08-2000/11) she taught five semesters at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. From 2004-2007 Ulrike Prinz worked as a researcher at the Goethe-Institute. Following this, Ulrike Prinz and Dr. Isabel Rith-Magni, as Editor-in-chief, managed the print edition of the magazine HUMBOLDT together, until its discontinuation in 2013 and she was responsible for the production of the online content of the Goethe-Institute (visual arts, architecture, design and fashion) until 2017. Currently she works as a freelance science writer and lives in Munich and Barcelona. She focused on a wide range of topics, which one can find in Amazonia or just in front of your door. www.prinzplusprinz.de