From the xylophone collection of the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium
In fall
2020, the ethnomusicology section of the Royal Museum for Central Africa,
Belgium has launched a research project to investigate the
disappearing/disappeared music tradition of the manza xylophones of the Azande people in north DR Congo. Out of a
vast museum collection of 159 xylophones from across Central Africa and
neighbouring countries, the project specifically focuses on two instruments
that were owned by Chief Guga at Bondo, and collected by ethnographer and militant
Armand Hutereau in 1911-13 for the museum. As a symbol of authority and power, we
know that the manza xylophones were
used in ceremonies of enthronement; however, our knowledge of the instruments
is scarce and ambiguous since ethnographical documentation is incomplete.
Through a replica-sound installation and analyses of the sound and visual
archives, the project re-constructs the methods of playing the xylophones and
music compositions, and obtains a better overview about the musical practices
and social-cultural background of the indigenous people. As future steps, we
envisage public exhibitions and cultural activities for visitors to experience
the ways of playing these xylophones, and extend the investigation to other
instruments of the museum collection. We also aim at sharing the
research results with the source communities in DR Congo, which we have
attempted to get in contact with them during the project.