An exhibition with audio tour for children between 6 and 10 years with their families.

3 September 2023 - 30 June 2024
"Fly with me! Fly with me!" calls Albi, the Alpine swift who nests under the roof of the Linden Museum during the summer months. On your tour through the permanent exhibitions, you'll meet the transparent kangaroo, hear about an extinct bird, get to know Toko the octopus and listen to the conversation with Seraa the elephant. Whether on pictures or clothing, made of wood, ceramics and stone - the animals and their representations tell of the coexistence of humans and animals. This relationship is not always easy. On the one hand, many animals are admired, revered and valued as companions or pets and farm animals, but on the other hand, their habitats are destroyed and they are hunted or driven away.
In the exhibition, illustrator Promina Shrestha brings the animals on the objects to life through her images. On the listening and stamping rally, you and Albi will find out what the animals have to say, solve riddles and collect stamps.
Admission: EUR 4,-/3,- / free for under 18s
In the framework of the TAKING CARE Project, co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Find out more about the interactive opening programme here