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Words by Nora Haas

Rewatch week 2 of the 'Matters of Care' online conference series

Discussion on Indigenous Knowledge and Community Environmental Justice

How can ethnographic and world cultures museums use their collections and galleries as spaces which create active discussion around the impact of humans on the planet, while also highlighting what long-term perspectives can tell us about sustainability for developing positive futures?

© Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford

Thursday, 15 April 2021

In the second week of the conference series, we heared from two speakers about environmental justice, community conservation and the preservation of environmental knowledge from different global perspectives. Pauline von Hellermann (Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London)  shared 'Reflections from environmental anthropology’  and Iokiñe Rodríguez Fernandez (Senior Lecturer in International Development, University of East Anglia) spoke of ‘Becoming (in) visible in environmental justice struggles: using participatory mapping, filming and writing to support the indigenous research agenda’. They were joined by the discusstant Ashley Coutu (Research Fellow, Pitt Rivers Museum).

Through their experiences, they showcased the diverse ways of documenting and capturing environmental knowledge, discussing the ways that these processes of learning and gathering are ethical and sustainable.

Watch the recording of this session here.