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Words by Nora Haas

Rewatch 'Matters of Care' online conference series week 1

Project Introduction  + In Conversation with Wayne Modest

*Keynote* ‘Spaces of/for Care’

How can ethnographic and world cultures museums use their collections and galleries as spaces which create active discussion around the impact of humans on the planet, while also highlighting what long-term perspectives can tell us about sustainability for developing positive futures?

©Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford

Thursday, 8 April 2021

In the opening session of our 6-week webinar series, project leader Claudia Augustat (Curator South America Collection, Weltmuseum Wien) introduced the TAKING CARE Project and museum partners. The keynote speaker for this session, Wayne Modest (Director of Content, National Museum of WorldCultures), shared his thoughts on museums as ‘Spaces of/for Care’, which was followed by a discussion with Laura Van Broekhoven (Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum).

Rewatch the session  here.