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Words by Salvador Garcia Arnillas

Programm of 'The Ecological Sustainability of the city' Workshop Barcelona

Wednesday 10th November

15:00 Welcome (Director of Cultural Heritage. Barcelona City Council)

Topic 1: Ecological Sustainability

Registration to attend the meeting online here

15:15 Keynote speaker: Xavier Casanovas. Professor of the Ethos Chair of the IQS School of Engineering- Universitat Ramon Llull. Sustainability: from word to action. Diagnosis and challenges for a dystopian future.

16:00  Q&A

17:00  Panel 1

  • Miquel Rodríguez Planas. Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda (Barcelona City Council).  The 2030 Agenda or how to work to acomplish Global Sustainability.
  • Giulio Cappadona. Founding member and worker in FoodCoopBCN. Consumers cooperatives: How self-organization can feed us better and bring us to more sustainable cities.
  • Ascensi Mir Ulldemolins –Head of Production and Maintenance (ICUB) - and Júlia Barba Miralpeix (Environmental manager). Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB), Barcelona City Council. Enviromental sustainability and Culture. The sample of ICUB.

18:00  Q&A

Thursday 11th November

Registration to attend the meeting online here

Topic 2: New models for the City

09:30 Keynote speaker: Daniel Alsina, Architect and Coordinator of the Barcelona Superblock Technical Office.Re-programming the city: Barcelona Superblock.

10:15 Q&A

11:15  Panel 2

  • Ricard Gratacos. Architect and Anthropologist. Singularities in the urban landscape of a dense and compact city.
  • ATD Quart Monde.
  • Carme Trilla. President of the Metropolitan Housing Observatory and President of Habitat3 Foundation. Social sustainability in European cities in the 21st century.

12:15  Q&A

12:45  [Out of Programme: Conversation with Narelle Jubelin, TAKING CARE Project artist in residence (2020) and co-curator of the experimental exhibition (2022)]


Topic 3: The role of museums in the social and environmental ecology of cities.

15:00 Keynote speaker: Dr. Katrin Vohland. Director of Natural History Museum (Vienna). How museums take new roles for society.

15:45  Q&A

16:45  Panel 3

  • Ana Omedes. Director of the Museu de Ciències Naturals (Barcelona). We can always be more sustainable.
  • Dr Mario Mineo. Archaeologist - Museo delle Civiltà, Rome. "To bee or not to be". The bees sentinel of the environment.
  • Josep-Miquel Faura. Coordinator of Social Responsibility and Projects of Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. Promoting Social Responsibility at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya: an inescapable need.

17:45  Q&A

18:15 Closing remarks