The upcoming Taking Care Workshop, "Caring for Here and There", will take place at the Pitt Rivers Museum 26th - 28th June.
The objective of this workshop is to overcome the Eurocentric approach to conservation by developing innovative strategies that bring cultural care and preservation together. By sharing practice around analytical techniques, ethics, and understanding the needs of objects from an indigenous perspective, the aim is to progress preservation infrastructure within participating museums as well as communities locally and internationally.

Photo by Lea Novi/Pascal Giese
- Anne May Olli, Director of the RiddoDuottarMuseat Norway
- Page Chang, Kapa Artist and Kumu, Pūko’a Studios, Hawai’i
- Misa Tamura, Conservation Manager,
Horniman Museum and Gardens, London, UK
- Fiona Brock, Reader in Analytical & Archaeological Science, Cranfield Forensic Institute, UK
- Claudia Augustat, Head of the TAKING CARE Project and Curator for South American collections at Weltmuseum Wien,
- Faye Belsey, Deputy Head of Collections and Joanna Cole, Assistant Curator of Object Collections and Provenance, Pitt Rivers Museum, UK
- Rosa Dyer, Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Project student, Pitt Rivers Museum and Birkbeck, University of London, UK